Friday, October 28, 2016

Sleeping on it

Two weeks ago today, I nearly ended up in tears in the moves as I felt so tired and had done for the previous few weeks.  It felt particularly unfair, as I had been making the effort to go to bed on time and get a decent amount of sleep.  You know, self-care and all that.

We've just completed a pedometer challenge at work, the challenge being to walk as many steps possible in a team of four, over a six-week period.  They have made for some interesting results.  Over the first four weeks my mean average for a weekday was 13318 and for a weekend was 7672.  (This did not include my mega walk of 32431. Even with that, I did not get the highest weekly step count for that week).

During the period, one of my colleagues who is a doctor worked twelve days in a row.  He is not the kind of person to make snide "you're lucky" comments about me sleeping for the whole weekend, but from what he tweeted, it did get to him.  Whilst I have no envy of working twelve days in a row, I do have a mild envy of knowing that you can rely on your energy levels to work twelve days in a row.

Whilst the average step counts for weekdays and weekends are not the definitive comment on my energy levels, it does highlight the difference between what I do during the week and what I feel able to do at the weekend.  The bitch of it is, that I do not know what is RA related and what is not and if I can't be sure what is causing it, I don't know how to fix it, if at all.

Last week on the other hand, I was out three nights of the week, didn't get enough sleep and felt entirely fine at the end of it, which makes no sense at all. Maybe the problem isn't the arthritis, it's the going to bed early.  I have no idea; I'm off to bed to sleep on it all. 

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